How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat

Some links about how the sugar industry shifted the blame to fat for obesity and heart disease: These are good reads and very educational....

Mark Hyman, MD

How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat
50 Years Ago, Sugar Industry Quietly Paid Scientists To Point Blame At Fat

The sugar conspiracy

For a healthy alternative try this...

Any sugar can be bad if you eat it enough or use to much of it, even with the good stuff, so try to limit your intake of sugar. However, if you have a recipe, making some tea, baking, this is a good sugar to use. There’s a lot to like about Xylitol. This naturally-occurring sugar alcohol is one of the healthiest and most unique sweeteners you’ll find. Unlike sugars such as sucrose and fructose,  Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, which doesn’t promote tooth decay. Even though it’s classified as a carbohydrate, it has a low glycemic impact due to its slow absorption in the digestive tract, and its caloric impact is around 1/3 lower than other carbohydrates, making Xylitol a healthy sweetener that’s hard to beat. Xylitol is commercially produced from the cellulose of wood, sugar cane pulp, certain seed hulls, and/or corn cobs. NOW® Real Food Xylitol is produced from non-GMO corn cobs.
