Cedarcide best yet pest repellent spray

My Poor baby!

Years back I took 2 of my cats to the vet to get some flea meds like I have always done in the past. Now this is before I was attuned to bad chemicals and what they can do, before I knew much about GMO's, ect.
so I came home and with my dad's help I was putting this flea and tick medicine on my cat. Bought the same brand that I had bought for years. Only this time my Poor cat, the first one I put it on had a terrible reaction to the flea and tick medicine, so because of this I did not put it on the other cat. Apparently it was burning him. My POOR Carmel was FREAKING out, rip roaring on the porch and foaming at the mouth. You could see the terror in his eyes! I rushed him back to the vet and told them what was going on. They quickly washed him off and fixed him up. The vet offered to try something different or she suggested that I try a more natural option, although she did not offer up any suggestions on the natural options. She said I would just have to do some research. I was to scared to try any other brand from the vets office so I told her I was going to go home and do some research.

In doing my research I came across the above product by a company called Only Natural Pet Store. Here is a link to there store. Best decision I have ever made! I will NEVER! Go back to toxic poison again for my pets. This is probably the best chemical free insect spray on earth to my knowledge. This product works great at keeping the fleas off my cats. Not only that, but it is perfectly safe for humans and makes an awesome bug spay! It also keeps ticks off to. I always get mosquitoes, those pesky June bugs around my door, and spiders. I spray this around my door and those suckers drop dead! Even works on roaches and bed bugs, keeps them away. A lot of these flea and tick remedies that you get from the vets and pet stores are poison and have been know to cause cancer in pets. The fleas seem to be immune to it anyway after some time. The minute a flea or tick lands on my cats this stuff knocks them dead immediately. Now, the only difference is that you do have to spray this on every time your pet goes out side. I know with the stuff you get from the vet and pet stores you put drops between the shoulder blades and at the base of the neck and tail. and it usually lasts 2 weeks to 6 months depending on the product. You know tho, if something is safer for you pet and will prevent them from getting cancer then I think it's worth it and it's not that big of a deal to spray it on. I do it every morning, first thing when I get up, I grab a cat, take him or her on the back porch, spray them under there chin, on top of the head, and at the base of the tail. When you spray in those areas get up close and do small quick squirt . Don't mist it on in those areas from a distance. Now when you do the full body on top and underneath you can do a mist spray from a short little distance. Just avoid the eyes and mouth. I did accidentally get it in my cats mouth one time, it did not hurt him, made him salivate some. If this happens, just squirt some water in there mouths a few times and keep an eye on them till they quit salivating. If you are in a hurry, just squirt the key areas (top of the head, under the chin, base of the neck and tail.) if they wear a collar, spray the collar. Although I would caution allowing your cats to wear collars outside because it can become a chocking hazard if it gets caught on something and let me tell you it's not as rare as you may think. Just get them chipped, it's MUCH safer and not to expensive and you can call and shop around to different vets and there prices. 

Several years ago my parents had to bomb there house with chemicals due to a flea infestation they had with my first cat. After that we got flea collars and other things to prevent fleas. We had to throw away furniture because no matter how much poison we sprayed, they continued to be infested with fleas. We haven been completely flea and every other bug free since first buying this product two years ago. I spray it around the edges of each room, and around the outside of the house and porch as a preventative measure. I even take this stuff when I travel. The small bottle above is what I use on my cats but you can purchase it in lager squirt bottles to use around the house. Which is what I do. This stuff lasts for several months to. This is the refill bottle that I buy, I have an empty spray bottle from the store I pour some in. The bottle below is the one I use for around the house.

I even spray it into the cabinets to keep bugs out. I know someone who sprayed this on there cherry trees and the Japanese beetles flew away and never came back. Spray this into sachets and hang in your trees when they are in fruit for a bug free season. Make sure the trees are in fruit and not in flower - don't want to kill the pollinators. I also make mosquito bracelets with this stuff. Just get a rope type of bracelet and spray the cedar oil on it and wear it or you can just spray the cedar oil on you. 

I even use this on my porch so I can sit outside in the evenings without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. I also apply this to the outside and top rims of my indoor plants for gnats and spider mites. Very effective, I have not found any bug this product does not work on and I love the pleasant, clean smell. 

Seriously! I never intend to be without this product ever again - I actually consider it an investment in my home and in my pets. 
