My Encounter With A Butterfly

Photography by me

Yesterday I found this beautiful creature on the ground, on my porch after coming home from work. This was one of the most friendliest butterflies I have ever met. The butterfly just clung to my finger and did not want to get off. When it did fly off it would not go far. It would flutter around me in circles and land on my in different places like my pants. I took it to my mom's rose bushes that are right in front of the house to put it down. It stayed there on a leaf for a few minutes why I ran into the house to grab my camera. I got a few pics of it on mom's rose bushes but then it flew over to the oak tree in our front yard, so I followed it over there as it landed on one of the lower branches and that is where I finished taking pictures of it. I really hope it will come back to visit. This little butterfly put a HUGE! Smile on my face and just made my day! :) I love butterflies!!! 

Photography by me
