Why I Choose Young living Oils
Being healthy, eating healthy, going organic, taking the right supplements, What’s in our food? Are such a hot button topics these days. There seems to be someone talking or posting about these things everywhere I go, which is good because we need to be educated and we need to be aware of what we put in our bodies. It can literally make or break us. A couple of years ago I came across Young Living Oils, a dear friend of mine whom has since passed away introduced them to me. I was complaining about having a bad headache when she told me about using some peppermint oil on my head, so I tried some and it worked amazingly! I have since tried oils for weight loss and when I have gotten sick. They have worked great as well. Up until this point I was clueless about oils or this company.
I had already begun my journey on making healthier choices back when I was in high school and threw out the years I tweaked things when I needed to and continued to educate myself. As any person who really makes a commitment to change their lifestyle will tell you, it doesn’t stop at food. I was learning so much about the dangers of the harmful chemical-filled cleaning products and even bath and beauty products that filled my house. I had some health issues so I wanted to learn how I could fix the overall problems I was having and not just mask them with drugs. I also had the problem that my body did not tolerate certain drugs also I did not want to deal with some of the side effects some of these drugs had or could cause over long time use. So I began my search for natural ways to help me solve these issues. I was also interested in natural ways to boost immunity and kill yucky germs around the house. If I could do this AND make my house smell great at the same time – with no chemicals – I would be golden! I started seeing a lot of information about how good oils can be and the many things they can do and help with. I started doing a lot of reading about different essential oils, and what makes some superior to others. The more I learned, it became very important to me to make sure that whatever essential oils I was going to be using in, on, or around my family were the best of the best, not only for safety, but also to get the most bang in the bottle for my buck. So I started going in search for these oils I was reading about. I went to my local vitamin shops to purchase different brands of oils. During my process and research, I quickly began to realize something's. Some of these oils I was purchasing were not completely pure, which meant I could not take them internally without getting very sick or being poisoned. Your essential oil label should say 100% pure and not “blend” or “with jojoba/almond” as that means they are already diluted and not just pure essential oils. With one quick Google search you will find plenty of bloggers that will, quite frankly, FREAK. YOU OUT! About the “horrible dangers of essential oils”. I have been using Young Living essential oils for 2 years on and off and have not once experienced anything frightening. (As well as none of those nasty side effects I used to get from pharmaceutical meds.) However, I’ve also always taken our oils seriously and used them with caution. No matter the method you choose to use essential oils, dilution is key. You should NEVER apply an essential oil to your skin, neat (alone, without a carrier oil to dilute it). Same if you are taking it internally. Some essential oils can cause irritation to the skin if not diluted. These “hot oils”, (oils that produce some sort of warming or burning sensation when applied to the skin) such as cinnamon, peppermint, marjoram, clove, nutmeg, black pepper, etc. should be highly diluted to prevent irritation on the skin. Some essential oils can cause photo-sensitization when going out in the sun What’s that, you ask? It means that if you use certain citrus essential oils on your skin, (with the exception of products that wash off in the shower, such as body wash and shampoo) before exposing your skin to the sun’s rays or UV lights used in tanning beds, you may get a red rash around the area of application. Some of these essential oils do not take very much to garner this reaction, while others you can safely use in small percentages without issues.
Essential oils known to be photo-toxic
Bergamot essential oil
Grapefruit essential oil
Lemon Lime
Bitter orange
Mandarin leaf oil
Clementine essential oil
Non-Photo-toxic citrus essential oils
Bergamot essential oil
Lemon essential oil (steam distilled)
Lemon leaf oil
lime essential oil (steam distilled)
mandarin essential oil
Sweet orange essential oil
orange leaf oil
tangelo essential oil
My point being is that you need to be educated when it comes to using essential oils because not all oils are the same. know the do's and don'ts. A lot of time people get hurt, due to the fact that they did not know enough about what they were doing. People can also have allergic reactions to oils just like they can to pharmaceutical drugs. Just because something is plant based or natural does not mean you cannot be allergic to it. If you are taking any medications check with your doctor or pharmacist and let them know all the supplements and essential oils that you take to make sure that they will not interact with anything you are currently taking. Also some essential oils are not meant for women who are pregnant or nursing. Again this is where education and knowing what you are doing comes in to play. One thing I have enjoyed about Young Living Oils is that the person I talked to them about was very knowledgeable and if she did not know something off the top of her head she was not afraid to ask questions and find out for me, they have a number where you can call directly and they have people that will answer your questions, and they also have support FB pages. It's really nice! So if you're not sure, just ask. All of Young Living Oils are safe to digest, if you wish to do so. I am living proof of that. When you digest them they do great things for you internally and for the cells in your body, When you consider these next statements by Jane Goldberg, Ph.D., you can understand that essential oils should be respected and are by no means toys for your kids.
“Within 21 minutes of being placed anywhere on the human body, essential oil will penetrate every cell within the body.”
“Merely breathing in the fragrance of essential oils is a powerful healer. The healing begins in the brain. There are 800 million nerve endings in the nose that detect odors. The nerve from the olfactory bulb extends back toward the mid-brain and then on to the pituitary and pineal glands and finally to the amygdala.”
Read the rest of her article Here where she also explains the fascinating story behind the “Thieves” oil, and goes into more depth on how oils work in the healing process. But if you would rather not then that is okay to. You can smell them and use them topically. Young Living even allows you to visit there establishment and take a tour so you can see for yourself how things are done. You can even volunteer there. How many oil companies can you say that about? However, you can have the greatest essential oils on Earth, but they are only going to do so much if you continue t make poor diet and lifestyle choices. Life does not offer any “magic pills”, so stop looking for them. Combine high quality essential oils with cleaner eating, a less toxic home environment, and a less stressful/hectic lifestyle, and watch your quality of life improve right before your eyes. YOU’VE GOT THIS!
There are different schools of thoughts when it comes to oils, the most recent debate I have seen is this British vs. French “schools of thought” - Read more about it Here this article goes into some good detail and just breaks down the two different schools of thoughts and what they really mean. Another thing you can look at is a video, in case all the above info was confusing to you. Jen O' Sullivan explains it on YouTube: Here Oils, supplements, plants, etc.... they have been around for 100's of years and were used to heal and cure aliments and sicknesses long before big pharma ever existed. The Native Americans used them, our ancestors, and many other cultures had used them for many years and taught others about them. There has been enough of a ruckus made recently to make the FDA throw some yellow flags. I mean, we can’t have some $50 unpalatable plant extract out there shaming giant pharma, now can we? To put your mind at ease, and to make a long story short, the FDA doesn’t like the way essential oils were being marketed, and laid down the law. If a company claims that a product prevents or cures disease, it is “legally” considered to be a “drug”, and drugs must be approved by the FDA. You can read the “warning” letter from the FDA to one particular EO company Here If you have a more difficult time finding more specific verbiage online to help you better understand your oils, now you know why. Have no fear, thankfully real books still exist, and essential oils have been around for a looooong time… long enough for you to be able to find plenty of reading material. I am not saying that the FDA is all bad and they do serve a good purpose in some regards but not in all regards. That is just my opinion. Please do not start screaming at me about this, it's fine if you don't agree with me. I respect your opinion so please respect mine.
Here are 6 reasons I made the choice to go with Young Living Oils, after all my research....
1. There SEED TO SEAL®
2. NO CHEMICALS ~ Young Living uses natural herbicides, like essential oils, for
pest control.Weeding is done with hoes and hand pulling.
pest control.Weeding is done with hoes and hand pulling.
3. EXPERIENCE & REPUTATION ~ Gary and Mary Young established
Young Living in 1994. Their company has experienced massive growth and has
maintained high standards throughout. Side Note: This is the only company that
maintained high standards throughout. Side Note: This is the only company that
I have come across that I know for sure that it is safe to ingest there oil's. Not
all companies make this claim and some will recommend that you don't ingest
all companies make this claim and some will recommend that you don't ingest
there oils for different reasons.
4. PASSION FOR THE INDUSTRY ~ The more I read about Gary Young, the
more I see his passion for the vision he has for the essential oils industry. He
knows what he’s doing. He LOVES what he’s doing. I’ve never met the guy before
but I’m not interested in supporting a company whose owners simply saw a way to
make a lot more money at the expense of others. I can tell Gary and his
company take pride in what they do, threw the process they use,
how knowledgeable the staff is, the fact that you can actually ingest the oils, the
fact you can visit the farms. They don't try to hide anything. They don't have to
more I see his passion for the vision he has for the essential oils industry. He
knows what he’s doing. He LOVES what he’s doing. I’ve never met the guy before
but I’m not interested in supporting a company whose owners simply saw a way to
make a lot more money at the expense of others. I can tell Gary and his
company take pride in what they do, threw the process they use,
how knowledgeable the staff is, the fact that you can actually ingest the oils, the
fact you can visit the farms. They don't try to hide anything. They don't have to
because they are the real deal!
5. Now I realize when it comes to our food, what we eat, what we drink,
our supplements (because not all supplements are created equal either) and yes our
oils to, that “pure” is a relative term. By definition, pure means not mixed or adulterated
with any other substance or material. In my research this does not appear to be a termoils to, that “pure” is a relative term. By definition, pure means not mixed or adulterated
regulated by the FDA as pertaining to essential oils. Much like the word "natural" on your
food labels. Just because it's on a label does NOT mean there are no traces of chemicals
in it. That's why it's important for you to learn as much about a company as you can and that
goes for anything you're putting in or on your body. So, as I understand it, a PURE essential
oil to be one that is 100% nothing but the oil itself - excluding all chemicals, additives, and
synthetics. I also understand that Young Living sells only first distillation oils (except in the
few cases where further distillation is necessary for safety), giving it the highest potency
possible, which would explain why I have had such great results. There are some great
online sources that teach about first distillation vs. 2nd, 3rd, 4th or complete distillations.To
share just a few points I've learned, one is not necessarily "worse" than the other. "First"
would retain the most potency, but "complete" would result in a much higher quantity
produced, therefore making it much less costly than first. Complete distillation, if done
properly, can still be a "pure" oil, it would just be less potent and typically have a more
appealing (sweeter), less earthy scent. This would be ideal for, say a health food store
whose customers are purchasing based on smell and price. If this subject interests you, I
encourage you to research it yourself.
6. As I mentioned before anyone can visit Young Livings farms, tour the facilities
and even participate in the harvest and distillation processes. I have currently not had the
privilege of doing this yet, but I look forward to it one day for sure! Hopefully my top reasons
will help you spark some ideas of questions to ask and things to look for in your own journey
to finding the right fit for your family. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I think Yong Living
Oils are the only essential oils on the planet that you should use. Although I do highly
recommend them. Just make sure you ask questions about other companies oils and
and even participate in the harvest and distillation processes. I have currently not had the
privilege of doing this yet, but I look forward to it one day for sure! Hopefully my top reasons
will help you spark some ideas of questions to ask and things to look for in your own journey
to finding the right fit for your family. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I think Yong Living
Oils are the only essential oils on the planet that you should use. Although I do highly
recommend them. Just make sure you ask questions about other companies oils and
research there company as well as their methods. If you appreciate the SEED TO SEAL®
process as much as I do - knowing that the oils you are using have been gently mothered
form the choosing of the perfect seeds, to the bottling of only the highest quality of oil - then
Young Living is a great choice for you. Below is a book that I recommend for anyone to read
as they get started with oils. This book is not published by Young Living. This book is from
Life Science Publishing.
process as much as I do - knowing that the oils you are using have been gently mothered
form the choosing of the perfect seeds, to the bottling of only the highest quality of oil - then
Young Living is a great choice for you. Below is a book that I recommend for anyone to read
as they get started with oils. This book is not published by Young Living. This book is from
Life Science Publishing.
A lot of us march right into a Wal-Mart, Kroger, Ingles, etc... and fill our carts with $200's worth of stuff you probably don’t even need, not knowing one thing about where it came from, what the owners stand for, what is really in your food or who and what your money is supporting. I know being healthy does not come cheap but it is worth the investment, instead of throwing your money away eating out or buying something you see on TV., save and invest in something like this, that will have lasting benefits. Now that I have done my research and chosen the company I want to go with I to will be doing just that, I am saving to get my premium starter kit. I hope to get it by this fall. That is my goal. I just have been fortunate to have some nice friends that have given me samples, allowed me to try things for free, or gave me stuff from their inventory at a discount to be nice and help me out. That is how I have been able to continue using these amazing products till I get my starter kit this fall. I will keep you guys posted on when I get my kit and I will do an un-boxing video. I will also keep you updated on my Young Living journey and how I use the oils. I still have a nice little assortment. I’m just super passionate about sharing something that has tremendously helped me and my family.
Young Living offers numerous products in addition to oils such as personal care items, cleaning products and supplements. I primarily focus on the essential oils, as I prefer to keep things pretty simple around here and I can easily use the oils to whip up some toothpaste and all-purpose cleaner. But for those who’d rather just buy it, the options are there. I find that most people start out just diffusing a few of their favorite oils, and maybe rubbing oils on the feet for immune support while they are becoming familiar. I think this is a fabulous way to get started safely while you are educating yourself and joining a community of experienced oil users. Over time, my family and I have come to use our Young Living oils to support immune system function, digestion, healthy skin, health issues, respiratory function, & more. I use oils in every load of laundry, to make our home smell yummy, to keep the mosquito's away, to help the cats and to soothe itches and boo-boos.
This is my YL Story....
Your kit will look like the picture above.
If you like what you have heard and are looking for an alternative and healthy way to help your family try the YL Premium Starter Kit. This is what I have and it is the BEST INVESTMENT! I have EVER! Made for my family. I have tossed everything I had in my medicine cabinet, mostly over the counter things and replaced them ALL with my YL oils. I use them to keep my blood sugar in check, for my fibromyalgia, for my dad's allergies/asthma, to sleep, for weight loss, in place of using Ibuprofen, for scrapes and scratches, when people in my family get sick, for the kids when they are fussy. There is truly nothing these oils can't do! I kid you not. If you click the link below you can get started with your oils. I PROMISE! You that it is worth the investment. My health has improved so much since using the oils. Especially with the fibro, I feel much better, I have more energy. It's truly amazing! If you have any questions please contact me at roxanna19@bellsouth.net or @ https://www.facebook.com/RoxannaHambrightYoungLiving/
(click on send message)
Here is how to order your starter kit:
(click on send message)
Here is how to order your starter kit:
Your Premium Starter Kit Includes:
* Dewdrop Diffuser
* Premium Essential Oils Collection (5-ml each) Lavender, Copaiba Vitality™, Peppermint Vitality™, Lemon Vitality™, Frankincense, Thieves® Vitality™, Purification®, RC™, DiGize™ Vitality™, PanAway®
* Stress Away™ 5-ml
* AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
* 10 Sample Packets
* 10 Love it? Share it! Sample Business Cards
* 10 Love it? Share it! Sample Oil Bottles
* 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
* Product Guide and Product Price List
* Essential Oil Magazine
* Essential Edge
* Member Resources
* Premium Essential Oils Collection (5-ml each) Lavender, Copaiba Vitality™, Peppermint Vitality™, Lemon Vitality™, Frankincense, Thieves® Vitality™, Purification®, RC™, DiGize™ Vitality™, PanAway®
* Stress Away™ 5-ml
* AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
* 10 Sample Packets
* 10 Love it? Share it! Sample Business Cards
* 10 Love it? Share it! Sample Oil Bottles
* 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
* Product Guide and Product Price List
* Essential Oil Magazine
* Essential Edge
* Member Resources
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